Posts made in March, 2024

Man down

Posted by on 25, Mar 2024 in 2024 - An Indian Winter, Asia, India, Tilly the Tandem | 6 comments

Man down

I’ve had trouble with my back all my life. I can pick a pair of socks up and then be unable to get out of a burning building as it hurts so much. Over the years treatments have changed from 2 weeks rest to have a cup of tea and carry on.  For the last few years this has worked fine, but this time it really didn’t make much difference so I was hobbling around our resort hotel looking like a 90 year old who’s just pooped himself.  To make matters worse my knee, which again has caused me issue for a while now, has been playing up.  It needs a deep tissue massage and...

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Best we stay another night

Posted by on 17, Mar 2024 in 2024 - An Indian Winter, Asia, India, Tilly the Tandem | 1 comment

Best we stay another night

Varkala Cliff The whole point of coming to Varkala was to walk along the cliff edge restaurants and ‘posh tat’ stalls and obviously we didn’t make it having got waylaid chatting in the restaurant the night before.  So when we woke up we booked another night at the other end of the town and had a very strenuous 4.7km ride to get there that thankfully we managed to break in to two with a stop for a iced chocolate coffee – yummy! We checked in to our new hotel and adjourned to the pool.  We had a brief swim and another English couple turned up and we got...

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Religious wars

Posted by on 14, Mar 2024 in 2024 - An Indian Winter, Asia, India, Tilly the Tandem | 2 comments

Religious wars

Surprisingly the area around Kanyakumari is Christian and full of churches, big brand new immaculately kept, expensive and very impressive churches.  It’s impossible to get a full night’s sleep here as one or other of the religions, or in an unheard of unifed religious movement, all 3 of the religions will endeavour to wake you up from 4.45am. First the Hindus start with their music, then the Christians start with their service which is more chanting and then the Muslims pipe up with the call to prayer by which time the Hindus are at it again and we go on like this until the...

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About turn…

Posted by on 7, Mar 2024 in 2024 - An Indian Winter, Asia, India, Tilly the Tandem | 4 comments

About turn…

After an excellent 4 night stop in Madurai we left at 6.20am to get through the city before the madness begins and try to avoid the heat of the day which begins around 11am. It’s not so much the heat that drains you but the sun. Once that is on full power then you’re basically f@#!*d. Hence the dawn starts.  We weren’t looking forward to the next few days cycling. It’s very flat and a bit dull and being inland extremely hot. We also had to zig zag from hotel to hotel as there was very little accommodation. But once clear of Madurai and off the main road we had a...

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Ablutions …

Posted by on 4, Mar 2024 in 2024 - An Indian Winter, Asia, India, Tilly the Tandem | 2 comments

Ablutions …

Toilet roll! Much of the world doesn’t smudge and flush© like us westerners, but use soap and water in the loo with a jet powered hose strong enough to send your piles back to where they came from. So, you often don’t get loo roll.  Which at first we couldn’t understand, but then when they do give you some, it’s a small roll and it has a dreadful smell!  No wonder they squirt and scrub©! We’ve seen internet debates about this many times, but you have to think it’s us westerners who are doing it wrong here. As Coproal Jones might say about us...

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