Well, we’re home (again) only this time we are really back in the uk, though not actually at home home as we’ve rented the house out and can’t go home… So we’re at Jon’s parents in Sudbourne.
But why you ask, surely that’s in the opposite direction to Russia and Linda’s map reading is not that bad? Well yes, but on Tuesday we became grandparents for the first time, checked the weather for the next week and thought we’d rather pop home for a few days and see Ben, Toni and Matilda – our new Granddaughter – than sit in the rain and wind in Germany. That’s when the trouble began….
Taffy, in a fit of pique, decided she didn’t want to go home and switched all our interior power off leaving us with dead batteries. Perhaps she was jealous of a new girl in our lives, who knows. Simple you say, just replace them. Indeed, but where the hell are they? Oh yes, they are under the wardrobes, so after removing all our clothes (from the wardrobe!) we then spent half a day dismantling them to get access to the dead batteries.
So back in England we visited Tilly, who we understand wasn’t named after our tandem which is also called Tilly, and to wet the babies head we took her to the pub, no honestly, though Toni drew the line at introducing her to my favourite cider “Kingston Black”.
Back to the batteries though and finding replacements in England was impossible. 2 week wait for delivering exact replacements or next day on an assortment of good batteries none of which would fit in the battery compartment and the look from Linda when I suggested we made the wardrobe smaller to accommodate the bigger batteries was similar to the one Toni gave me when I asked at the Dove if Tilly fancied a half…
So, we are going back to Holand on Monday to pick new batteries up from a dealer there who has them and hopefully then we can set off eastward without too many more hiccups….
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