Linda always reckons that things happen in threes, I’ve never been a great believer the old wives tales myself but I’m hoping she’s right this time. After the batteries packed up we then found the alternator had stopped charging them too and after this the diesel cooker control broke!
That’s our three we hope and we actually sorted all these things out in one day! We had arranged to collect the batteries in Gouda and managed to find an MAN dealer nearby who kindly set one of his mechanics onto Taffy immediately despite being really busy and sort the alternator problem (it was a fuse!) Next up we managed to arrange for a new part for the cooker to be sent to the local Webasto dealer for us to collect before going and removing the batteries and fitting the new ones. A hectic day but Taffy is as good as new and we’re ready to head eastward at last.
To recover from this rather costly and stressfull day we parked up in the centre of Gouda and went for a walk around the old square sizing up all the bars & restaurants and opted for the steak house! What? Veggies in the steak house? Have we fallen off the wagon? No, it had a Gouda cheese and wine fondue served with bread and vegetables which was absolutely fantastic, especially after we ordered a couple of glasses of wine, liked it so much and tried to order the rest of the bottle which had gone so we’re forced to order a brand new bottle as well!:). needless to say we slept like logs and had (I am reliably informed) a wonderful night out!
The van is still in a bit of a pickle with clothes everywhere so we’ve headed back to Gorinchem whilst we repack and get straight before starting east…
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